All in Comfort Food

Autumn Beef Stew with Caramelized Onions

Why stew? Who makes stews anymore? Well, I do, they are fun to make, you can use the slow cooker or your oven and they always taste amazing! I do like to caramelize my onions when using, if using other vegetables, such as carrots, turnip etc, I also give them a quick sauté before hand. I am using red wine in this recipe, but this can easily be replaced by stock or water, no worries. 

Cherry Tomato Pasta with Garlic Scapes, Feta and Meatballs

1 crate cherry tomatoes of different varieties (About 16 cups)

½ c. olive oil

2 – 3 branches basil (1/2 c. roughly chopped)

¼ c. FaC’s Seasoning or (1 tbsp. salt, 1 tsp. black pepper, 1 tsp. onion salt. 1 tsp. garlic powder, 1 tbsp. dried oregano, 1 tsp. smoked paprika, 1 tsp, paprika all mixed together)

1 c. diced onion

1 ½ c. garlic scapes (more on garlic scapes here)

½ c. crisp white wine or Vermouth

2 500-grams pasta of your choice, I used Favuzzi

1 c. Feta, sliced

Naan Recipe

Naan is so delicious, I enjoy it more than pita, though pita is delicious too, I like using naan for souvlaki and to eat with a good homemade humus. It is also a great replacement for quick pizzas as the dough is so soft and chewy.

Here is my version, adapted from other recipes, I do like to use a good quality yogurt for this, and usually use full fat, though I know a 1% or 2% would work also.

Lemon, Paprika & Garlic Chicken

This recipe has now become a family favorite. It was inspired by me not wanting to go to IGA again. I went through my fridge and my pantry, took out the ingredients below and worked off my lemon rosemary chicken recipe, but everything different.

This recipe will become one of your go to recipes for sure.

I am quite sure using whole chicken legs or thighs, bone in or out would work was well, please let me know how yours turn out!